Item 18 out of 628
Lot # 18 - Very Rare Gold Dinar of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty in Oesho type with letters arranged between the legs of bull.
Very  Rare Gold Dinar of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty in Oesho type with letters arranged between the legs of bull.
Very  Rare Gold Dinar of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty in Oesho type with letters arranged between the legs of bull. Very  Rare Gold Dinar of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty in Oesho type with letters arranged between the legs of bull. Very  Rare Gold Dinar of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty in Oesho type with letters arranged between the legs of bull.
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  • P-Auction # 38
  •  Views:504
Start Price 100000 Estimated Price 100000-125000
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Quick Description
DenominationGold Dinara MetalGold
Full Description:

Kushan Dynasty, Vasudeva I (190-230 CE), Gold Dinar, "OESHO" (Shiva) type, Mint Balkh?, Early phase, Obv: the diademed king, crowned and nimbate, standing facing the left, sacrificing over an altar, holding a trident in his left hand, Bactrian legend “þAONANOþABA-ZOΔηO KOþANO” "Shaonanoshao Bazodeo Koshano” (King of Kings Vasudeva the Kushan) around the field, Rev: the deity Oesho (Shiva) standing, facing forward, hair in a top-knot, holding a trident and a diadem, a bull (Nandi) standing behind towards the left field facing forward, Bactrian legend "OηþO" (OESHO) on the left field arranged between the legs of the bull, a tamgha on the right, dotted border around the field, 7.98g, 20.13mm, (Gobl # 503/Jongward & Cribb # 1084), almost complete legend visible on both the sides, test mark, choice extremely fine, Very Rare.

Note: The placement of Bactrian letters between Bull's leg is interesting.